【信息通知】英国帝国理工学院Čedo Maksimović 教授学术报告通知

2016-04-08 562


主讲人:Čedo Maksimović




报告题目:The Blue Green Dream For bright future cities and infrastructure

报告简介:In a global era where more people are now living in urban than rural areas, part of the solution is actually to bridge that divide and bring tailored vegetation solutions to the heart of cities. That’s the focus of a Europe-wide, Imperial-led project launched in 2012 called the Blue Green Dream (BGD) – itself part of the wider EU Climate-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) initiative.

The problems involved in the lecture are shown below:

●The Blue Green Dream Principle .

●Synergistic merging of Green Infrastructure with Urban Water (Blue) Systems .

●Blue Green Solutions for reduced impact of CC and urbanisation.

●Integrated Urban Water Solutions.

●Rain water exemption regulation .


专家简介:Čedo Maksimović教授,博士,博士生导师,英国帝国理工学院土木与环境工程学院教授。城市水资源研究中心主任,URBAN WATER JOURNAL期刊(SCI)主编,URBAN WATER系列书籍主编,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)城市水资源领域特别顾问,欧盟Blue Green Dream和RainGain项目总负责人。作为主编已经出版了36本专著/文集,并发表了280篇学术论文。


