
2022-06-02 9692




     栾建霖 副教授






[1] 2007.09-2011.05,大连理工大学,信息管理与信息系统专业,学士学位

[2] 2011.09-2012.06,伦敦帝国理工学院,计算机科学专业,硕士学位

[3] 2012.09-2017.06,   伦敦帝国理工学院 , 交通工程专业,博士学位



[1] 2022.01-至今,大连海事大学,航运经济与管理学院,副教授

[2] 2020.08-2021.07,丹麦奥尔堡大学,物流交通研究组,助理教授/初级研究员

[3] 2017.03-2020.03,伦敦帝国理工学院,城市系统实验室,博士后研究员

[4] 2017.01-2017.03, 伦敦帝国理工学院,交通研究中心, 研究助理






[1] 2017-2021,基于数据的实时合作物流系统,丹麦创新基金(丹麦官方基金),参与

[2] 2020-2021,物流公司与政府共享数据的新系统,丹麦道路管理局,参与

[3] 2017,oneTransport物联网大数据平台,英国创新基金(英国官方基金),参与


[1] Jianlin Luan, John Polak, Rajesh Krishnan,“The structure of public-private sector collaboration in travel information markets: A game theoretic analysis”, TransportationResearch Part A: Policy and Practice 2019 (JCR分区 Q1)

[2] Jianlin   Luan, Nicolò   Daina, Kristian   Hegner Reinhau, Aruna Sivakumar, John W. Polak,“A   Data-driven Opportunity Identification Engine for Collaborative Freight   Logistics Based on a Trailer Capacity Graph’, Transport Research Board   Annual Meeting 2020

[3] Mostafa, A.K.A., Reinau, K.H., Daina,   N., Luan, J., Østergaard, C.R., Preisler, U. “A preliminary analysis of main barriers to implement collaborative freight   transportation using a DEMATEL method” , 7th IEEE   International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT   2019)

[4] Jianlin   Luan, Fangce   Guo, John Polak, Neil Hoose, Rajesh Krishnan,“Investigating the Transferability of Machine   LearningMethods in Short-Term Travel Time Prediction”, Transport Research   Board Annual Meeting 2018

[5] Jianlin   Luan,“A Framework for Optimising   Cooperation Strategies for the Local Traffic Authority and Route Guidance   Service Providers Based on a Non-cooperative Nash Game”, UTSGConference 2016

[6] Jianlin   Luan, John   Polak, Rajesh Krishnan,“A Framework for eva1uating Cooperation Strategies for the Local   Traffic Authority and Route Guidance Service Providers”, Transport Research   Board Annual Meeting 2016

[7] Jianlin   Luan, John   Polak, Rajesh Krishnan,“The Performance of Dynamic In-Vehicle Route Guidance Services in an   Eco-System with Heterogeneous Service Providers”, UTSG Conference 2015

[8] Kristian Hegner Reinau, Christian Richter Østergaard, Jianlin Luan, Ahmed Karam Abdelfattah Mostafa, Nicoló Daina, Ole Svendsen, Anders Julius Klejs Jensen, Johannes Grove Nielsen, “Collaborative Logistics and Fierce Competition - the Path to Sustainable Freight Transport”,Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø (BUILD), Aalborg Universitet,2021.09



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