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  After having worked for 24 years at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade and joining the EWRE Section in 1996 Professor Cedo Maksimovic created and heads the UWRG (Urban Water Research Group).

  His research fields include applied fluid mechanics in urban water systems: storm drainage, urban flooding water supply and interactions of urban water systems and infrastructure with the environment. In addition to lecturing on the MSc and UG courses, Prof. Maksimovic serves as a project co-ordinator of EPSRC, EU and UNESCO projects in UK, and other projects in Europe and in other continents dealing with the above topics.

His current projects are:

 §  Climate-KIC of the European Institute of Innovations and Technology (EIT)’s project Blue Green Dream, dealing with interactions of urban water systems and urban vegetated areas 

 §  EU Interreg programe’s project RainGain, dealing with short term urban rainfall and flood prediction.

  The most recently completed projects dealt with prediction of Urban Pluvial Flooding (FRMRC2 - EPSRC) and Decentralised Integrated Analysis and Enhancement of Awareness through Collaborative Modelling and Management of Flood Risk (DIANE-CM) which was a part of EU funded ERANET_CRUE programme. In the FRMRC project his team developed innovative method (AOFD) for advanced (1D-1D) urban surface flood modelling and within the WINES project some innovations on Smart infrastructure were developed for which the project team – fellow colleagues from Imperial College London and Cambridge University received the prestigious ICE’s Premium Prize "Telford Gold Medal” for the research on intelligent sensors and networks. 

  His past projects include the following: Sustainable Urban Runoff Management (development of the SUDS training module for CIRA); Monitoring, Modelling and Leakage Management in Water Distribution Networks; Inverse Transient Analysis in Pipe Networks for Leakage Detection Quantification and Roughness Calibration; Sustainable Rehabilitation of Urban Environmental Systems and Environmentally Sensitive system, Rehabilitation and management of river basins for implementation of EU WFD (Water Framework Directive (EU - LIFE project in RS (BiH)); Integrated Urban Water Management; Urban Stream Rehabilitation; Interaction of Urban Water Systems with RBM (River Basin Management), Urban Pluvial Flood Modelling and Forecasting, FRMRC (Flood Risk Management).

  In 1999 Prof. Maksimovic and Dr David Butler launched the international URBAN WATER journal that is now published bi-monthly by Taylor and Francis (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/nurw20/current). The journal is included in the ISI - Science Citation Index Expanded. He also initiated and serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Urban Water Book series.

Professor Maksimovic started the series of Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM) Conferences held every third year since 1986, with the last ones held in 2006 in Melbourne, Australia, 2009 in Tokyo, Japan, in Belgrade in 2012.

  In cooperation with the universities of Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest and Ljubljana he created and co-manages Internet based post graduate course (EDUCATE) on Water Resources and Environmental Management. He serves as an expert - professional consultant on urban water projects in UK, Europe and on the global scale.

  He also served as a chief advisor to UNESCO IHPVI (International Hydrological Programme) on Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM). Within the IHPVI he conceived and coordinated preparations and management of the programme in which 9 major projects that have been carried out for a period of 6 years. The projects included: Data Management, UW Interactions with the Environment, Urban Ground Water Management, and Mutual Interactions of the UW Sub-systems, UW Management in Specific Climate Areas, Health and Safety Issues in UWM, Urban Aquatic Habitats, Socio-economical interactions and UWETTT - Urban Water Education, Training and Technology Transfer. A series of books (UW Series) has been generated through the project. He is recipient of the UNESCO/IAHR "Lecturer of the year 2001" Award.

  He published over 380 papers in journals and professional and scientific events and authored and edited 42 books.

  He has created and coordinates UNESCO endorsed network of IRTCUD/CUW urban water centres with collaborating units in Banjaluka, Belgrade, Cairo, Kuala Lumpur, London, Porto Alegre, Tehran and Trondheim.