2021-01-03 52398
范利东 讲师
[1] 2007.03-2010.03,硕士,东南大学,外国语言学与应用语言学
[2] 2010.03-2011.11,硕士,荷兰海事大学,航海与运输
[3] 2013.12-2018.06,博士,塔斯马尼亚大学,海事科学与工程
[1] 2020.06-至今,大连海事大学综合交通运输协同创新中心 讲师
[2] 2014.06-2019.12,澳大利亚海事学院 讲师和研究助理(兼职)
[3] 2012.01-2013.12,中新国际海事培训中心 讲师(兼职)
[4] 2003.08-2013.12,南通航运职业技术学院 讲师
《Maritime Policy & Management》、《Marine Policy》等国际刊物的审稿人
[1] Fan L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, Si, “An empirical study on the communicative competence of Chinese seafarers”, Marine Policy[J], 87 pp. 65-71. 2018
[2] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “The communicative competence of Chinese seafarers and their employability in the international maritime labour market”, Marine Policy[J], 83 pp. 137-145. 2017
[3] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, Si, “A critical examination of the seafaring English education and training in China”, Marine Policy[J], 86 pp. 56-63. 2017
[4] Fan, L.D, “An Overview of Chinese Seafarers’ Communicative Competence in English—Chinese Seafarers’ Perspectives”, TransNav-The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation[J], 11(4) pp. 577-581. 2017
[5] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “A review of maritime English education and training on China in comparison with other top suppliers of seafarers”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Marine Science & Education[J], 5 (2) pp. 22-38. 2015
[6] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “Communication challenges to maritime English education and training in China in the modern shipping world”, Papers and presentations of the 2015 Master Mariners Congress, 13 - 15 April, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 1-10. 2015
[7] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “The Establishment of a Framework of Communicative Competence of Seafarers: A Systematic Review”, What Is Next in Educational Research? Sense Publishers Rotterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 233-248. 2016
[8] Fan, L.D, Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “Investigate the possible Impacts of differential seafarers’ career progression on seafarer competence in China”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual general assembly International Association of Maritime Universities - Innovation in Maritime Education, Training and Research, 27-30 October, Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 206-213
[1] 科研嘉奖,江苏省教育厅,范利东,2012年12月
[2] 促进塔州国际教育研究贡献提名奖,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州,范利东,2016年12月
[1] 南通航运职业技术学院2013年度优秀教师,2013年12月
[2] 南通航运职业技术学院2012年度优秀教师,2012年12月
[3] 南通航运职业技术学院2007年度优秀教师,2007年12月
[4] 南通航运职业技术学院2006年度优秀教师,2006年12月
[1] 硕士(学术)招生方向:绿色供应链管理,海事物流、应急物流管理
[2] 硕士(专业)招生方向:绿色供应链管理,海事物流、应急物流管理
[3] 理想中的你